Monday, 13 February 2012

Google Chrome 17

After using Google Chrome as my main Web browser I was very happy to hear that they are bringing out a new more secure version, Chrome 17. Although Google have numerous projects on the go at the moment they have not forgotten about keeping Chrome on top.

Chrome is known for being faster than its competition however, the latest update has more than just speed. It comes with new useful features which increase the security of the Web browser. Besides eliminating potentially dangerous security bugs, Chrome now automatically runs checks on executable .exe and .msi files. If the program doesn’t match a built-in list of OK programs, Chrome then automatically checks in with its Safe Browsing Site to see if the Website is known for of malicious downloads. If the file is unsafe Google is automatically alerted, Google returns the results to Chrome, which in turn warns you whether or not you are at risk.

Definately sounds like its time to update Google Chrome!

1 comment:

  1. If you are already using Chrome, it probably already upgraded itself!
